Welcome to my blog - Scrap n' Knit. Get it? It's an outright admission that I am totally addicted to scrapbooking and knitting. Add an obsession with my cats and you have a day / life that barely includes time for my job!
I have a dream - that someday, after I win PowerBall, I will open a storefront by the same name, to offer a space for other addicts to come to and work on projects. The store will include a coffee bar, and offer soups, desserts, and other yummies to fortify my customers as they scrap or knit at well-lit, comfy workspaces. On top of that, I would love to be able to keep an inventory of all that yummy yarn that I drool over at my LYSs!
But for now, this blog will have to do. I will share my project successes and failures - not the least of which is a crocheted hat that metamorphasized into a totebag. Just need to fire up the digital camera and you can have a good laugh!
There are many bloggers who knit it would seem. You'll fit right in.
Hey Laurin, you're blog site is great! I might have to copy you and get my own....like I have so much extra time on my hands! Ha ha.
Hello everyone - the weather is getting warmer, which I hope does not affect my ambition to keep working on these knitting and crocheting projects that are filling my brain. I actually dared to say to my fellow Knittin Kittens, as we sat at the Barnes and Noble in Manchester last Wednesday night, "I am not buying any more yarn until I use up what I have." While I was waiting for them to stop laughing at me, I was checking out Donna's stash of Opal sock yarn she was selling and bought some really pretty green from her. So you can see how long that promise lasted. Plus, I am going back up to Weirs Beach for a whole week in May - 15 minutes away from Patternworks. Yeah, I can say right now I will be visiting there again, at least once. Sigh.
Anyway - on the needles today, yet another "potholder," as my husband calls them - another square for a crocheted afghan. I got the yarn from an EBay auction - 45 skeins of wool / rayon blend for @20.00. OK colors - cream, rust, dark blue, dark teal, and black - all will go well together. The pattern comes from a vintage pattern book I also got in an EBay auction. Reminds me of the afghans my grandmother used to do. It kills me to think of all the knitting she used to do for us - we never really appreciated how much work it was.
Anyway, also working on either a face cloth or a dish towel, depending on how bored I get with it. I am using some Peaches n' Cream 100% cotton yarn I found at Wal-Mart, $1.27 a ball. It's a little cranky to work with, especially on #2 needles. Just doing a simple pattern - cast on 60, knit for about an inch, then continue with stockinette stitch, except for knit 10 on each end so the cloth won't curl as much. I have about 2 inches done - might switch up and wide rib it, might not.
Coming up soon, I am really going to start a sweater. I am a little nervous, being so new a this and all, but gotta get real.
Getting REALLY sick of the afghan. Up to 15 potholders. It goes quickly, but I want to move on to something else - ANYTHING else. I have a growing yarn stash that just screams for attention!!
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