Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Swimming in PUPPIES!

Chet and Anita's yellow Lab Bella recently had 11 (no, that is NOT a typo - ELEVEN!!!) puppies! We went up to York to meet them this past weekend. They were stunning.

Mostly they slept, and ate. But they smelled so good - I LERVES me some puppy head!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Found it!

Finally found my camera cable. I won't tell you where it was because you would be setting up home care for me. Let's say it was the last place I looked and leave it at that!

Anyway, first thing. Pics from Grandview.

Pantsless Amanda, formerly blogless Amanda. Black bar-d to protect the "innocent."

You know how sometime people just fit together like peas and carrots? Both Sonya and SarahD just blended right in like they were there all the time!

Sonya came all the way from Kentucky (or was it Indiana - never got that completely straight) to join us in the mountains. Her laugh is inFECTious, y'all. It's really more like a guffaw. And it is nice to know that there is another member of the GOTTAPEERIGHTNOW club in the knitting group. I felt so alone until I met Sonya....!!

Lora found this hat on a display and had to try it on, it was so fugly. And she soon realized that it was so tight on her head that she had a dent in her forehead for another half hour!

Lisa and Jess braved my snoring for two nights. Somehow Jess managed to crank out 1.5 hats over the weekend. She is incredible.

Monday, November 05, 2007

What About Bob????

UPDATE: I CAN'T FIND MY CAMERA UPLOAD CABLE!!! Or I would post some truly hysterical pictures. As soon as the cable floats to the surface, I'll add pictures. Sorry!!

The trip started out so well. Lisa and Jess arrived at my office right on time, we picked up Ericka in Manchester without getting lost even once, and set out on a beautifully sunny Friday afternoon, before rush hour. We arrived at the Grandview first, and saw right away that the weekend would not be drama free.

Thanks to Bob.

Who is Bob, you say? I dunno. But he made his presence known, even though we never saw his face. His name was on one of the rooms we expected to populate with ManchVegasKnitters this weekend. And as a result, two other rooms, which are small even for two people, had three names on them instead of two. Uh-oh.

Lisa, Ericka, Jess and I popped out to get drinkies and munchies and dinner, and came back, only a few more had arrived, but soon after we settled in, the rest of the gang showed up. They were not happy to see the unexpected triple occupancy. Who would be - they paid for a bed, and two people would have to use a cot instead. But, despite this problem and the basic inattention to amenities** that just became too much this time, we did indeed manage to have a lot of laughs and get a lot of knitting done. Much trash was talked, much jello was shot, much likker was drunk, and we all survived.

But we are looking for a new place for next time.

**What amenities? Let's see:

  • Little to no hot water or even water pressure for showers
  • Beds that creaked, and beds that collapsed, and beds that were cots
  • Breakfast that really wasn't filling, or took any effort. Would you pay for two slices of wheat toast done up as french toast and call that breakfast?
  • Toilets that broke, or took forever to refill, or to flush. yeah, that was fun.
  • DUST everywhere. Everyone was honking into Kleenex, sneezing and wheezing all weekend. And the snoring - wow.